sobota, června 02, 2007

Some random photos to appease and confuse the eyes...

These first few are from Brno:

I had a picture here of the underbelly of the Brnĕnský Drak (the Brno Dragon), one of the city's mascots, but I accidentally deleted it. In the background of this next picture you can see a cathedral:

The following few pictures are from Prague:

The Bludištĕ, or MIRROR MAZE!!!!!

Finally some photos of Zuzana, this girl I know and like. Here she is in a town called Kromĕříž (you won't be able to pronounce it, so don't try), looking in the same direction as a statue.
Her dog Bara at my feet:
And Zuza in a hat.
I will post more pictures soon, if fate allows.


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